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How to make Camembert Cheese

What you will need to make 4 cheeses, approx. 250g each:

Most of the components are supplied as a part of the the  Epicurean Camembert/Blue Cheese Kit

  • 7.5 Litres Full Cream Milkcamembert-finished.jpg (6 Litres Skim Milk and 400ml Full Cream gives a creamier product)
  • 2 kitchen cutting boards (bread boards will do the job)
  • 2 ml Calcium Chloride dissolved in ¼ cup cool water (only add when using homogenised milk)
  • ½ teaspoon of Mesophilic Culture / Mould Blend (Epicurean Camembert Blend)
  • 2 ml Rennet dissolved in 20ml cooled boiled water
  • 2 teaspoons Cheese Salt
  • 1 aging container with lid and draining mat
  • 2 bamboo sushi mats
  • 4 large Camembert Hoops
  • Cellophane or foil cheese wraps


  1. Clean and sterilise everything that will be used during the cheese making process!
  2. Prepare the Starter. The day before cheese making, prepare a “Mesophilic Culture / Mould Blend” starter as described in “Cheese Making Basics”.
  3. Preparing the Milk. Warm the milk and cream combination to 32°C (if using homogenised milk and no cream, add the Calcium Chloride solution at this time). Add the prepared starter and mix well. Leave covered for 75 minutes to ripen.
  4. Renneting. Gently stir in the diluted Rennet with an up and down motion for at least 1 minute. Cover and allow to set for 60 minutes or until you get a “clean break”.
  5. Testing for a Clean Break. Test for a “clean break” by sliding your knife into the curd at an angle and lifting some on the side of the blade. If the curd breaks cleanly around the knife and whey runs into the crack that is made, you have a “clean break”.
  6. Cutting the Curd. Cut the curds (according to the method described in the “Cheese Making Basics” information sheet) into 2cm cubes. Allow to stand for 30 minutes to set.
  7. Stirring the Curd. Turn all the curds over gently for 3 minutes. Any larger curds that come up from the bottom may be cut at this stage. Do this at least 3 times.
  8. Preparing the Curd. After the final rest, the curds mass will sink in the whey. Using a glass or ladle, scoop out 40% – 60% of the whey and discard. After the whey has been removed, give the curds a gentle stir to keep them from setting. This will make it easier to scoop them into the hoops.
  9. Filling the Hoops. Place a bamboo draining mat on a cutting board, cover with a sheet of greaseproof paper and place the 4 hoops on top. The greaseproof paper will stop the curds from falling through your draining mat. Filling is best done on the kitchen sink with one end of the board slightly elevated to allow the whey to drain away. Using your slotted spoon, scoop a small amount of curds into each hoop, then go back and put more in each and so on until they are evenly filled. Fill the hoops just short of the top. When turned repeatedly they will settle down to the thickness required. Leave to drain for 20 minutes.
  10. Turning the Hoops. For the first turn, place another sheet of greaseproof paper on top of your hoops, then the second bamboo draining mat and finally a second cutting board. By holding both boards firmly you should be able to flip all the hoops over in one movement. From this point, greaseproof paper is no longer required. Turn your hoops hourly for the next 5 hours. The hoops should be turned a minimum of 3 times prior to allowing them to set overnight covered with a tea towel.
  11. Salting the Cheese. The following morning the young cheese will have firmed and pulled away from the edges of the hoop. This indicates that they can now be removed for salting. Sprinkle the cheese salt lightly over the top of the cheese and let stand for 15 – 30 minutes. Turn the cheese over and lightly sprinkle the bottom and sides with more cheese salt and let stand another 15 – 30 minutes. Place on a bamboo draining mat, cover with paper towel and allow drying for 24 hrs at room temperature.
  12. Aging the Cheese. Place some paper towel then black plastic aging mat into the bottom of your aging container. Space your cheese on the draining mat and with the lid ajar, store in a cool humid environment at 11 – 15°C for 8 – 10 days. Turn daily to avoid the cheese sticking to the mat. Elevate one end of your ripening container to allow any additional whey to drain away from your aging cheeses. The cheese should be totally covered with white mould after 10 days. Aging can be done in a fridge down to 5°C, but will take considerably longer.
  13. Monitor the Cheese Daily. If you see any hard yellowing on the edges of the cheese they are too dry and the white mould will have difficulty spreading over this surface. Add a small amount of water to the bottom of the aging container. If there is excessive condensation on the lid of the aging container, this can drip on the cheese causing a yellowish slime. Remove the lid, wipe away the any moisture and replace the lid leaving it slightly ajar. Check the bottom of the aging container for excessive moisture. You may choose to replace the paper towel if this occurs.
  14. Wrapping the Cheese. Once the cheeses are fully covered in white mould, they are ready to wrap. Using sheets of cheese wrap, centre the cheese on the film and fold the corners onto the cheese until it is completely covered. Place the wrapped cheese back into the aging container with the folded side on the bottom. Seal and age for a further 2 – 4 weeks at 11 – 15°C.
  15. When is it Ready to Eat? The perfect camembert is soft and creamy and bulges slightly when it is cut. You may want to experiment with aging times and temperatures to achieve the texture and flavours you prefer.


For more cheese making recipes, we recommend the “Home Cheese Making” book by Ricki Carroll.