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How to make Colby Cheese

What you will need to make 1 cheese of approx. 900g:

Most of the components are supplied as a part of the the  Epicurean Premium Cheese Kit

  • 7.5 Litres Full Cream Milkcolby-finished.jpg
  • 2 ml Calcium Chloride dissolved in ¼ cup cool water
  • ½ teaspoon MA11 Mesophilic culture
  • 2 ml Rennet dissolved in ¼ cup cooled boiled water
  • 2 tablespoons Cheese Salt
  • 4 to 6 drops of Annatto(optional for a deeper, yellow cheese colour)
  • Cheese Cloth or Butter Muslin
  • 800g - 1kg Hard Cheese Basket
  • Cheese Press
  • Cheese Wax
  • Waxing Brush


  1. Clean and sterilise everything that will be used during the cheese making process!
  2. Prepare the Starter. The day before cheese making, prepare a “MA11 Mesophilic Culture” starter as described in “Cheese Making Basics”.
  3. Preparing the Milk. Heat the milk to 30°C. Add the Calcium Chloride and then the prepared starter. Cover and let ripen for 60 minutes
  4. Dilute the Annatto in 20mls of cooled, boiled water, add it to the ripened milk and Gently stir it through the milk until the colour is consistent.
  5. Renneting. Gently stir in the diluted Rennet with an up and down motion for at least 1 minute. Cover and allow to set for 30 minutes or until you get a "clean break".
  6. Testing for a Clean Break. Test for a “clean break” by sliding your knife into the curd at an angle and lifting some on the side of the blade. If the curd breaks cleanly around the knife and whey runs into the crack that is made, you have a “clean break”.
  7. Cutting the Curd. Cut the curds (according to the method described in the “Cheese Making Basics” information sheet)into 10mm cubes. Allow to stand for 10 minutes to set.
  8. Cooking the Curds. Heat the curds 1°C every 5 minutes until they reach 39°C. Maintain this temperature for 30 minutes, stirring often.
  9. Drain the Whey. Drain off the whey to the level of the curds and while continuously stirring, add just enough 15°C water for the temperature to drop to 27°C. Maintain this temperature for 15 minutes, stirring often. (The temperature of the added water controls the moisture content of the cheese. If a drier cheese is desired, keep the curds a few degrees above 27°C; for a moist cheese, keep a few degree below).
  10. Pour the curds into a colander and leave to drain for 20 minutes.
  11. Salting the Curds. Break the curds into thumbnail-sized pieces, add salt, and mix thoroughly.
  12. Fill the Cheese Basket. Line the cheese basket with cheese cloth (or butter muslin). Place the curds in the basket and press lightly with 8kg for 20 minutes.
  13. Redress the Cheese. Remove the cheese from the basket, carefully peel away the cheese cloth, turn the cheese over, re-dress it and press with 14kg for 20 minutes.
  14. Repeat the process but press with 18kg for 1 hour. Repeat again, but press with 22kg for 12 hours.
  15. Air Dry the Cheese. Remove the cheese from the basket, peel away the cheese cloth and air dry at room temperature for 2 to 5 days until it is dry to touch.
  16. Waxing. Melt the cheese wax and coat the cheese thoroughly, using the waxing brush.
  17. Aging. Age for 3-12 months at 10-12°C. This cheese will develop a sharper flavour as it ages.