Wal's Amber Ale is a delicious ale with deep amber colour, creamy head and distinct citrus notes to its flavour and aroma.
Fresh hops added to the concentrate give an added hop "punch" to the Wal's Range of beers.
*** Note: Upon opening the can, you may see what looks like candied sugar or a green crust. Don't panic, it's just the fresh hops within the can that have come to the surface of the malt. They're supposed to be there! ***
*** Makes 22 Litres ***
Posted by Liam on 1st Dec 2020
I forget the hops and grain that I added, but the finished product is similar to Fat Yak in taste and appearance. Mine is undercarbonated so I suppose I did something wrong with the priming.
Posted by Michael on 29th Aug 2018
Used this to make Fosters premium ale clone turned out pretty much like it.Love it will use it again for sure
Posted by Pat on 12th Jun 2015
This is a cracking beer to use as a base if you want to experiment with different kinds of Hops. Just it to try and create my own version of a James Squire Hop Thief by adding some Fuggles & Amarillo hops.
Came out an absolute treat and was gone all too quickly
Posted by Ad on 16th Apr 2014
Just buy 2 cans of Amber, mix in 22L and use one of the 5 gr yeast. No need for more sugars, boosters, herbs etc..
Posted by Murray on 13th Sep 2013
Very much as described. Rich hoppy, citrus aroma and taste. Quite sweet and deep amber colour. Creamy head and good retention.
Brewed to 24L mark, yielded 58 bottles. Fermentables used 500gm LDME, 500gm Dextrose, 250gm Maltodextrin..Also added 10gm of Amarillo Hops. Kit already had rich hop aroma (richer than most kits) extra hop is for 'Hop Heads' only.